Unlock the future for children

The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, alyona alyona and Jerry Heil, together with UNITED24, Visa and Oschadbank, start raising 10,000,000 UAH to help 250 children return to school.

At the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmö, Ukraine will be represented by two popular artists — alyona alyona and Jerry Heil. Their song, Teresa & Maria, has made a lot of noise, and is currently among the top five contenders, according to bookmaker forecasts.

Audiences have many assumptions about what this song is about. Here's how the performers explain it: "Teresa & Maria is about the strength, courage and resilience of Ukrainian women. The song is dedicated to them. It is about them, their pains and hopes, their dreams and big hearts that we will be talking about during the Eurovision promotional tour."